most essential pregnant cat care tips
Do not expose a kitten to danger. But there are several reasons. Some queens are heated even during pregnancy. Cats are able to be pregnant with two different litters at the same time. And of course, a pregnant cat should not feed in a cold place outside.
A pregnant cat should only receive medication in case of emergency. The same goes for deworming products or flea products. If she has worms or fleas, you must first consult your vet.
It must be rich in calcium and protein. Cat food is specifically designed to meet the needs of pregnant and nursing cats. Vitamin supplements are also recommended.
You will have peace of mind where you know where the kittens will go. Finding a house for a cat can take a lot of time. You get more time for it before they are born.
A box full of newspapers usually does the trick. Place it in a warm and protected place, preferably in a place that visits your cat. Make sure everything is ready two weeks before birth.
Sometimes feet cats in the litter. If a kitten is brought to the world in a clumping litter, it is possible that the mother cat refuses to clean her newborn because the bouquet is the whole bag. And the baby drowns in his own fluid.
You should not have any reason to leave your kitten alone days before and after birth.
Do you have more than one kitten? Your pregnant cat wants privacy. She doesn't like the company of other cats during this period, even though she knows these cats very well.
Check which veterinarian is available. Have a piece of paper with the phone number of the nearest emergency veterinary clinic. If there is no such clinic in your area, find out which vet is available for emergency care. A telephone call to a local veterinarian is usually enough.
Only if you understand what you see and hear can recognize the complications. Plus ... there are many issues you can solve yourself if you know how. So don't panic. Get the right information instead.
Author:david aswor
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