Dog Training Methods
Dog training can give great satisfaction. Every dog must at least know the basics of living with people: Come, sit, stay, not jump on people, etc. In addition to the basics, there are an infinite number of things that you and your dog can enjoy together. Live dogs have much more flexibility in what they can do with people and they have more fun. Positive methods for dog training are often easier to use.
So what are the positive methods of dog training? Different people will define them differently, but it is usually techniques that allow you to train your dog without causing physical pain. These methods enhance your dogs' confidence and natural will. Dr. Ian Dunbar, Dr. Karen Pryor, Dr. Silvia Kent, Dr. Linda Tellington-Jones and others have significantly increased the popularity of this field in recent years. Dog trainer can be a win-win for people and dogs!
There are thoughtful people who speak for careful use of equipment that causes pain in trained dogs, especially when the problem is insoluble. I believe that in dog trainers many methods will work. But it is encouraging that many dog owners and trainers have chosen to use only positive and painless methods for dog training.
The underlying principles of these methods stem from sound scientific research: positive reinforcement is a key element of this approach. The Clicker dog is perhaps the best known example, but there are other methods as well. In clicker training, a small noisemaker is clicked right when the dog does exactly what you want. It is more accurate than saying "good!" or something else. Then a therapist is given, at least part of the time.
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