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These are the ideal cage specifications for the health of your bird

Birds, like us, need variety in life. To be happy and healthy, they need socialization and exercise. This cannot be achieved if they are locked in a cage throughout the day. Birds need time out of the cage to move freely.

This type of bird cake support is particularly popular with parrots. With their large wings, parrots require more freedom of movement than the cages normally can afford. These stands are found in pet stores and shops specialized in selling birds.

 ideal cage specifications for health of your bird 

Bird cages help birds do the required exercise. Like a tree, a birdcage carrier is a tall structure with several branches to a bird for perch. This simulates nature and allows the bird to enjoy a little freedom. Bird cage racks can also accommodate toys for increased play and fun.

Another type of bird cage rack is a base containing a bird cake. This is usually used for small cages and allows them to sit higher up in the air. This also makes the cage a little more mobile, as the support can be moved from room to room. It can even be moved outside to give the bird more variety in its environment. Without this variety, a bird can be bored and unhappy.

Often these stands are sold with the birdcage as a single unit. These can be found for less than $ 150, online and in pet stores.

These are the ideal cage specifications for health of your bird

Cat Happy and Healthy

Regularly playing with a cat and providing entertaining toys can easily satisfy his tracker instinct, keep him stimulated and give him the exercise he needs to stay healthy and happy. It also protects the local wildlife!

Cats have gone from working animals to recreational creatures. Previously, a cat spent most of the day keeping the house free of rodents. Today, most cats are pure companions who spend the day waiting for their beloved man's return. While working from home, it is important to plan time to play with your cat. Interacting with you stimulates her physically and mentally and keeps her physically and mentally healthy.

The time of day you play depends on your schedule and the natural rhythms of your cats. Some cats love to spend the morning while others are tense from the moment they open their eyes. It may take a long time to find the time that suits you. However, once you've found it, don't be surprised to see your cat expect to play at this time every day. Cats are creatures of habit, and they feel safer with a regular schedule.

Playing time helps solve some behavioral problems. An exciting hunt-and-catch game will take the eyes of a giant cat that tends to attack the owner's ankles. Much of the interaction also fills her need to attract your full attention and can make her less likely to catch up with you in an inconvenient time.

Remember, if you do not want your cats to play with your plants during your absence, do not use plant seeds that lure during playing time. The same applies to the hands. If you do not want your cat to jump into the hands of unsuspecting visitors, do not use your cat as a toy when playing with it. If you buy toys for your cat, make sure all small pieces are tight.

The best toys for cats are often made at home and only need your interaction.
My favorite is "fishing" with a piece of string or a stick. Hold the cord / hold over your cat's head and claim it is a fishing rod. Your cat will love to jump and swing, especially if you let him catch from time to time.

Another favorite of my cats is to crumble a piece of paper. Nothing but the sound of paper seems to elevate them. Show the paper ball to the cats and throw it to them. See them as they run around the room with pleasure.

Some toys, like lures that are tied to a string, should only be used when you're there to handle it. If you let it be installed during her absence, she can get caught in the string and choke. Pet supplies stores offer captivating toys, such as a ball in a track, to keep your kitten safe while away. A cat or carpet apartment is a good investment. The multiple levels encourage climbing, while the hiding places allow your cat to indulge in his tracker instinct. Toys need not be expensive. Create a cat puzzle by holding a tube of toilet paper on the floor and placing a cat treats inside. Your cat will enjoy trying to get the tube treatment.

Be sure to maintain control during playback. If your cat starts to play hard, rub a stuffed animal against the stomach and quickly remove your hands. This controls his aggressive behavior on the toy and away from you. If she ignores the toy and continues to attack you, the game ends the session and ends. Come back in a moment and try again. After a while she learns that you control the level of games, not her.

I Will How To Keep Your Cat Happy and Healthy

Good cat food is crucial for a healthy and happy cat.

As all cat owners know, a cat can be a wonderful addition to anyone family. One of the most fundamental aspects of a cat's property is good health beware of the cat. Health care for a cat includes a wide range of vaccines, flea protection, veterinary visits, medicines and even year.

But the most important aspect of cat's health is often neglected. People spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars below, the life of a cat to keep it healthy, but most cat owners do not pay almost enough attention to the right cat food.

But what is the best food for your cat? While each cat wants slightly different nutritional needs, there are some general rules should be considered when looking for cat food.

First, cats  need a high quality dietThis means that the best types of protein, fat, carbohydrate and less preservatives and chemical additives, the better. Most searches Available online does not compare specific brands of cat food as much as Specific ingredients to feed your cat and avoid!

Your Cat
The Right Food For Your Cat

Cats need a high protein diet. Wild cats are very carnivorous and cats comes largely from their nutritional requirements for protein. House Cats, though not wild, still have many identical nutritional needs their wild cat ancestors. So the main ingredient in any cat Food is a protein.

Carbohydrates are also an important part of a cat's diet, but not as important as a protein. Cats really should get the majority of their nutritional requirements for protein, so low fat cat food Carbohydrates are not necessarily the best for them.

Foods containing ( chicken flour ) can only be made from the skin. only meat and bone. It's really the best type of protein for a catFoods containing meat by-products may contain almost all parts of an animal, and are of inferior quality than (chicken flour). Food there is "chicken flavored "has only the taste of chicken, but cannot contain any meat from animals at all. In addition, chicken is usually better than beef cats.

And it goes without saying, conservative, as well as artificial colors should be avoided as much as possible. Although specific studies are What we know is missing conservative and artificial colors can have a negative impact on human health. It only makes sense cats will also be adversely affected by artificial colors and conservative in their cat food.

Learn How To Choose The Right Food For Your Cat

These are the most essential training dogs

All positive orders must be taken clearly and clearly during the training. Make sure you also use a positive tone. Your dog will recognize your mood and connect them to their behavior with your voice.
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I suggest you understand your puppy's personality before you start training. Ask yourself if they are shy,  playful, calm, sensitive,aggressive, etc.? These traits will affect the type and speed of training with your dog. Understanding the dog being trained is an important skill for a good trainer.
The first word the puppy will learn is his name. They really learn the sound of their name and link it as a guideline to them. 

As soon as you can touch and feel the puppy, call him by name. Give them constant love and praise with tone in your voice. Continue repeating their names over and over until the puppy understands that when he hears their name, he speaks to them. When preparing their meals, you call them by name and pronounce the word come clearly. This is probably the easiest and easiest command to teach because it is associated with something the puppy wants or is excited about hearing this command. This theory and this type of training is used in all generic commands. Always remember to congratulate them when they obey an order and make sure they feel rewarded.
Breaking a puppy is probably the most stressful for a new coach. But the good news is that most dogs are usually clean in nature and feel that the house is not the place to do their homework. Knowing that the canines tend to go to the saddle in the same place where they or other dogs have already had their needs, understand that the error message left from the previous errors will signal to the puppy that he is supposed to do his needs. So when you make them do something you don't want in the house, blame them with a simple bid like "shame". The puppy will hear your voice and feel bad. Get them out as soon as possible. Promise them when they defect outside. Do not use the "no" command as it is a puppy command to stop the current action. "Shame" is used after finding evidence of the unwanted action. This is a mistake common to many reindeer teachers.

Dog Training Basics

Always remember, a puppy should only be scolded when caught in the action of doing something he should not do. Never scold a puppy when you haven't caught them in action. Use the "shame" command when examining the evidence, but don't look at the dog when you vocalize it. Over time, they will associate the "shame" command with your mood of disapproval. They can never connect it to their action unless you catch it. Stay there. No other charge will help, on the contrary. The puppy will lose confidence in you instead of correcting his mistakes because he does not associate the action with your mood and your commands.
If you have a puppy that does not take into account the "come" order, do not leave them for a chance. This will only get your puppy running away. Instead, when they look at you, call their name and immediately run away from them. Soon they will pursue you and tie the "come" command as expected. They will come to you.
Remember not to multiply it by word "shame" 

Author: mark wordas

Dog Training Basics

choose a dog crate including what size crate your puppy or dog 

Always bring appropriate toys and treats into the box. This will keep the dog busy and prevent the puppies from chewing the metal bars of the boxes. It is also important to buy bed linen at checkout. A cashier is ideal for reducing the number of outdoor disturbances your dog sees, which can reduce barking and stress in the box. A cash register will be more comfortable than the box's plastic tray.

Many wonder about the best is it Plastic or metal clearly .Plastic kennels are perfect for travel and are generally the only containment method allowed by the airlines. Wire dog boxes are ideal for home use. They are generally more spacious and more open. They are also more robust, so they will stand up for the pet's movements / activities and stay in the dog's usual bedroom.

How to Choose the Right Crate

It is important to know the appropriate measurement of the fund
A box should not be large enough for your dog to stand up, twist and lie down. If the box is too large, the puppy will have enough space to contaminate a side and sleep in the other, which will defeat the purpose of the box. Buy a box that is large enough to accommodate the dog's adult size and get a splitter panel. This way you can keep the box and make it "grow" with your dog.
When used properly and without abuse, boxes are the fastest and most humane way to steal the dogs. Dogs are animals that instinctively seek a small, comfortable place to rest, protect and protect themselves. Boxes work with the dog's instinct to keep the forehead clean and inexplicable. By holding the dog in a box he learns to "keep" him until he can go to a suitable place and help the puppy to control his bladder. For older dogs, the boxes serve as a "room" where they can relax and escape the hustle and bustle of children, other pets and everyday life. In addition, it is never too late to exercise! A box can help destroy bad habits that poorly trained dogs have evolved over the years.
Author: roben gawdi

How to Choose the Right Crate and Accessories for Your Dog